About Us

The Founding community asked permission and blessings from Mo. Felicitas Macsera, OP prioress general 05/04/2005
- Our new community was blessed by Most Rev. Fernando Capalla, DD Bishop of Davao & CBCP President. 05/05/2005
Our Congregation, the Dominican Sisters of Regina Rosarii, was founded by Sister Mary Epifania F. Brasil, OP on May 13, 2005 in Quezon City, Philippines. Together with her were Sister Mary Carmen C. Advincula, OP., Sister Marie Amelia F. Brasil, OP., Sister Mary Matthew F. Brasil, OP., Sister Ma. Violeta P. Sobremisana, OP., and Sister Mary Sarah R. Ronda, OP. We were all former members of the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines.
We heard the call of the Spirit to start a new branch of the Dominican family where we can be contemplative witnesses, following Jesus, Friend of the Poor and Healer of the Broken. We responded to the call to live a consecrated life that is more contemplative and that trusts more in God’s Divine Providence.
After twenty months of serious prayer and discernment, we formally asked to be released from our affiliation with the former congregation on May 5, 2005. We moved on with the blessings of then Prioress General, Rev. Mo. Felicitas Macsera, OP.

The founding community was blessed and accepted by Rev. Fr. Edmund Nantes, OP., Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines at Bahay Dominiko, Quezon City. 05/13/2005
On the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 2005, the founding community was blessed and accepted by Rev. Fr. Edmund Nantes, OP., Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines at Bahay Dominiko, Quezon City.
Our first residence was at the Regina Rosarii Center for Contemplative Prayer, then located at 55 Scout Santiago St., Timog, Quezon City. We were under the protection of the Most Rev. Fernando Capalla, DD., Archbishop of Davao and at that time, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). His formal protection letter came on July 2, 2005.
Our founding community carried on the following apostolates: conduct retreats, recollections and seminars; accompaniment in contemplative prayer and devotion to Regina Rosarii; broadcast ministry through radio and other forms of communication; and providing socio-pastoral and medical services.
On October 31, 2005, we transferred to our new center located at 70 Scout Fernandez St., Barangay Laging Handa, Quezon City. We initially rented the property with option to buy it. On the feast of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, November 27, 2005, our new Center was blessed and the sisters renewed their vows in the presence of the Most Rev. Fernando Capalla, DD.
By December 13, 2005, the community received the formal letter of recognition from the Bishop of Cubao, Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, DD.
On the feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 2006, We celebrate our founding Chapter. After the Founding Chapter, We worked hard to raise funds so we can buy the property we lived in. Four years later, on July 9, 2010, we were able to raise enough funds to buy our house and lot. The new Center is now our Regina Motherhouse.
We had some challenges along the way, but through it all, we continued to believe in God who provides generously for us. In 2009, we found Regina RICA land. It is a 13.5 hectare land at the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains. It is a place that was pointed to us with signs and many graces. We needed
to expand as our chapel had became too small for the growing lay community and the growing vocation to the Congregation.
Our First General Chapter was celebrated last August 5 – 15, 2011. We pray that many more people will come to follow Jesus, Friend of the Poor and Healer of the Broken.
Our first General Chapter has mandated that the principal house be located at Regina RICA in the Diocese of Antipolo. On March 7, 2012, the Most Rev. Gabriel Reyes, DD, Bishop of Antipolo, formally accepted our Congregation in Diocese by issuing the Decree of Erection as Public Association of Christ’s Faithful in view of being erected a religious institute of Diocesan right in the future.
Regina RICA has grown to be a place of prayer, an ecological sanctuary and a wellness environment.
Through the years of building and beautifiying the place, we never douted the blessing of the Divine
Providence. We continued to meet the challenges and to trust that the 13.5 hectare land will be paid off in time.
On March 19, 2012, Regina RICA land was fully paid. A great wonder and miracle of Our Lady, Regina Rosarii!
To date many people have come to experience the peace, prayerful atmosphere and the presence of Our Lady, Regina Rosarii, on top of the hill. Regina RICA has become a pilgrimage center that gathers many people from all walks of life to experience silence, stillness and serenity.
Our Vision – Mission Statement
We the Dominican Sisters of Regina Rosarii, live as contemplative witnesses in the world today. We live life to the full, and as Salt of the earth, we….
Serve the broken
Accept the challenges of the now
Live the Gospel values
Trust in Divine Providence
Led by the Spirit, devoted to our Lady, Regina Rosarii, and imbued by our founding charism, we live the contemplative life of silence, stillness and simplicity. Animated by the spirit of St. Dominic, we move towards new mission frontiers with passion and compassion.
Our Mission
Following Jesus, Friend of the Poor and Healer of the Broken, we embrace a life of contemplation and action, that is simple, joyful and tolerant. We commit to a life that promotes the following core values:
Hospitality and Hope
Enthusiasm and Empathy
Acceptance and Awareness
Responsibility and Rest
Trust and Thankfulness
Silence and Simplicity
We use modern media of communication to bring the message of Jesus to the world.
We place ourselves under the patronage of Mary, Regina Rosarii, and promote devotion to her in everyone whose life we touch.
The Dominican emblem of black and white embraces our Lady, Regina Rosarii. The white teardrop design symbolizes the delights and difficulties of our new beginning as salt of the earth. But Our Lady is inside the tear. Whatever pain and pressures we have, we know our Lady, Regina Rosarii will always be there for us, teasing us with her eyes, teaching us at all times to look at Jesus… through the eyes of Mary.
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